Overline: Webinar
Headline: Superblocks for Urban Transformation

Over the past three years, the pan-European research and innovation project TuneOurBlock has worked to mainstream and diversify the superblock concept.

The webinar presents key takeaways from TuneOurBlock as related to framing of the superblock concept, mainstreaming superblocks outside of Barcelona, governance aspects and implementation processes, and knowledge exchange initiatives.

The webinar features presentations by the TuneOurBlock project consortium and leaves ample opportunity for audience questions and discussion with the participants.


  • Lisa RUHRORT (DIFU – German Institute of Urban Affairs)
  • Valentina HAAS (Changing Cities e.V.) 
  • Nicolina KIRBY (Research Institute for Sustainability, Potsdam) 
  • Valentin GEBHARDT (City of Vienna, urban development and planning) 
  • Ulrich LETH (TU Wien)
  • Viktoria SANDOR (AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology) 
  • Georg WIESER (LAUT – landscape architecture and urban transformation)


  • Florian LORENZ (LAUT – landscape architecture and urban transformation)


More information on the TuneOurBlock project: www.tuneourblock.eu

TuneOurBlock is funded via the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity.