Headline: Die große Transformation: Zum Verhältnis von (Sozial-)Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft

Social-ecological transformation has become an important concept in the face of profound planetary crises (loss of biodiversity, climate crisis). Recently, the needs for social scientific transformation research have become more clearly defined. We reflect on the role of the social sciences and the humanities in democratically shaping social transformation in interaction with other sectors of society. Finally, we sketch three examples that illustrate the kind of new methodological and institutional approaches to be pursued.

Publication Year
Publication Type
Academic Articles

Kübler, L., & Nanz, P. (2024). Die große Transformation: Zum Verhältnis von (Sozial-)Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft. Leviathan, 52(1), 44-60. doi:10.5771/0340-0425-2024-1-44.

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