Перспективи формування лісопасовищних систем: досвід Європейського Союзу для України
The article examines the conceptual foundations of agroforestry systems, particularly their priority and prospects for developing regenerative agriculture in Ukraine and the EU. The types of agroforestry improvement are highlighted and their role in combating soil erosion, increasing biodiversity and carbon sequestration is determined. The socio-economic value of introducing, maintaining, stabilizing and expanding the practice of forest-pastoral systems is not in doubt from the point of view of providing ecosystem services and assessing risks. The experience of European countries was studied, and the ecological, social and economic advantages of successfully implementing forest-pastoral practices were revealed. Using the example of the traditional agroforestry system of the farming and cattle-breeding region in Portugal, the experience of harmonious cultivation of oaks, cover vegetation, and grazing cows, sheep, goats, and pigs was studied. The possibility of introducing a similar model of the existence and interaction of trees, plants, and livestock under human control in Ukraine was substantiated. It is argued that rational management of such territories aims to balance resource use and preserve the natural environment and biodiversity is an integral process. The advantages and disadvantages of forest pastures are analyzed, and measures for their care and improvement of functioning are proposed. In particular, for the forest-pasture systems of the Ukrainian Carpathians, the integration of summer seasonal grazing of cattle, sheep, and goats on meadows is necessary to support the gradual revival of meadows. The need for soil protection, water regulation, and climate-creating reproduction of the Carpathian region has been proven, taking into account changes in the modern state's spatial structure, productivity, and features. The social value and economic efficiency of introducing forest-pasture systems as an integral nature-oriented solution, which is gaining popularity at the European and world level and is an apt example of the ecological direction of balanced development, is emphasized. Forest pastures in Ukraine are important both for the agricultural sector and for the preservation of natural resources and biological diversity. It is important to ensure proper management of these territories for the purpose of balanced use of resources and preservation of the natural environment.
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Tertychna, O. V., Ryabukha, G. I., Kudryashova, K. N., Shevchenko, L. A., & Miroshnyk, N. (2024). Перспективи формування лісопасовищних систем: досвід Європейського Союзу для України. Агроекологічний журнал = Agroecological journal, 2024(1), 16-25. doi:10.33730/2077-4893.1.2024.299929.