Dr. Anne Ellersiek
Senior Research Associate
© RIFS@GFZ/L. Ostermann
Dr. Anne Ellersiek has supervised stakeholder management for the Science Platform Sustainability 2030 since January 2018. Previously, she was a Research Fellow at the Science and Policy Foundation (SWP) and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). She studied organizational psychology at the University of Leipzig and holds a doctorate in organizational sciences from the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands.
Publications at the RIFS
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- With M.Beisheim (2017), Partnerships for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Transformative, Inclusive and Accountable? SWP Research Paper 2017/RP 14, Berlin: SWP - German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Research paper
- Ellersiek A. (2017), SDG 17: Transformative Partnerships?, in: The Transformation Conversation: Blogs on Policy Innovations for Transformative Change: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Geneva: UNRISD, Blog entry
- With M. Beisheim, L. Goltermann, and P. Kiamba (2017), Meta-Governance of Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Actors' Perspectives from Kenya, Public Administration and Development, doi: 10.1002/pad.1810, Journal article
- Ellersiek, A. (2016), Entwicklungspartnerschaften: Effektiv, inklusiv und transformativ?, in: International Development Blog, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Blog entry
- With J. Meuer and C. Rupietta (2016) The MasterCard Foundation - Final Evaluation of the Aflateen Programme: Global Report. In Te Kaat, A., "To Continue and Grow: Final Evaluation of the MasterCard Foundation Partnership with Aflatoun International on Youth Social and Financial Education", p. 8-47, Aflatoun International. Amsterdam.
- With M. Pianta and P. Utting (2012), Understanding When Change Happens. London: Routledge, ppt 323, Book
- With M. Pianta and P. Utting (2012), Introduction: Understanding the Activism-Policy Nexus In: "Understanding When Change Happens" by M. Pianta, P. Utting & A. Ellersiek (Eds.). London: Routledge, 1-17; Book chapter
- With M. Pianta and P. Utting (2012), How can Activism make Change happen? In: "Understanding When Change Happens" by M. Pianta, P. Utting & A. Ellersiek (Eds.). London: Routledge, 297-323, Book chapter
- With J. Bendell (2012), Noble Networks? Insights on the Network-Effect in the United Kingdom In: "Understanding When Change Happens" by M. Pianta, P. Utting & A. Ellersiek (Eds.). London: Routledge, 66-93, Book chapter
- With J. Bendell (2012), Trade Justice and Corporate Accountability in the United Kingdom. In: "Understanding When Change Happens" by M. Pianta, P. Utting & A. Ellersiek (Eds.). London: Routledge, 140-164, Book chapter
- Ellersiek, A. (2012), Bases of Power and Effective Participation of CSOs in Development Partnerships: The Need for Partnership Governance?. In: "Civil Society for Sustainability: A Guidebook for Connecting Science and Society, by O. Renn, A. Reichel & J. Bauer (Eds.). Europäischer Hochschulverlag, 73-116, Book chapter
- Ellersiek, A (2011), Same, same but different. Power in partnerships: An analysis of origins, effects and consequences, Dissertation, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, Dissertation
- With J. Bendell (2009), Noble networks?: Advocacy for global justice and the 'network effect'. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. Civil Society and Social Movements Research Programme: No. 31, Programme Paper
- With P.A.M. Vermeulen (2008), The adoption of environmentally friendly products in mature organizational fields. In R. Wustenhagen, S. Sharma, M. Starik, & R. Wuebker (Eds.), Sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship (pp. 248-272). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Book chapter