Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Monica Liu

Monica Liu

Affiliate Scholar

The research goal of Monica Liu has been and still is to combine math, data analytics and machine learning in modelling and predicting systemic risks threatening sustainable cities. By combining risk modelling and intelligent technology, Monica Liu hopes to help identify structural features, common patterns and early warning signs of systemic risks.

She has published extensively on journals, conferences and books in the aforementioned topics, and has received more than twenty research grants from various funding agencies. Liu currently serves as guest editor, co-chairs, program committee members and panel organizers on international conferences.
Over the years, Monica Liu collaborated with domain experts from more than 20 countries to provide policy advices and solutions in the area of Digitalization and Risk Prediction. Her research outcome has been adopted by international organizations such as the UNDP, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the US National Committee on US-China Relations, US Government International Affairs Committee, and The Red Cross Society. Her policy advices were also adopted by government bodies such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Civil Affairs, National Earthquake Administration, National Search and Rescue Center, National Information Center and Shanghai Municipal Government in China. She also provided consulting services to Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and Parsons Brinckerhoff.

Before coming to RIFS, Monica Liu worked as an associate professor and the Founding Director of the Research Institute of Intelligent Complex System (RIICS) at Fudan University. She graduated with a Ph.D. in Information Sciences from University of Washington in 2009.

  • Co-Chair of Social and Service Innovation Track the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
  • Guest Editor. Government Information Quarterly
  • Expert Chinese National Earthquake Search and Rescue Center Emergency Management Expert United Nations Development Programme
  • Committee Member, Special Meeting of United Nation Counter-Terrorism Committee
  • Committee Member, the Science and Technology Committee of Shanghai Earthquake Administration
  • Co-Chair/Program Committee Member International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance
  • Co-Chair/Program Committee Member International Conference on Digital Government Research
  • Program Committee Member International Conference on Data Science
  • Program Committee Member International Conference on Digital Transformation and Global Society
  • Program Committee Member International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments
  • Program Committee Member International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernments
  • Program Committee Member International Workshop in Business Process Management Application to the e-Government Domain
  • Editorial Committee Member, E-government
  • Senior Member China Emergency Management Association Member American Society for Information Science and Technology